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Students’ Reports of Avoiding School Activities or Classes or Specific Places in School.Students’ Perceptions of Personal Safety at School and Away From School.Marijuana Use and Illegal Drug Availability.Students Carrying Weapons and Students’ Access to Firearms.Physical Fights on School Property and Anywhere.Teachers’ Reports of Disruptive Student Behaviors and Staff Rule Enforcement.Bullying at School and Electronic Bullying.Students’ Reports of Hate-Related Words and Hate-Related Graffiti.Discipline Problems Reported by Public Schools.Criminal Incidents Recorded by Public Schools and Those Reported to Sworn Law Enforcement.Teachers Threatened With Injury or Physically Attacked by Students.Threats and Injuries With Weapons on School Property.Prevalence of Criminal Victimization at School.Incidence of Nonfatal Victimization at School and Away From School.Nonfatal Student and Teacher Victimization Violent Deaths at School and Away From School, School Shootings, and Active Shooter Incidents.Concentration of Public School Students Eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch.Characteristics of Elementary and Secondary Schools.English Learners and Students with Disabilities in Rural Public Schools.Enrollment and School Choice in Rural Areas.Homeschooled Children and Reasons for Homeschooling.Racial/Ethnic Enrollment in Public Schools.Early Childhood Care and Education Programs in Rural Areas.Home Literacy Activities With Young Children.Early Childhood Care Arrangements: Choices and Costs.Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education Educational Expectations and Involvement of Parents in Rural Areas.Children in Rural Areas and Their Family Characteristics.Family Involvement in Education-Related Activities Outside of School.

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